The latest development of TCi’s flagship office product is now both Plastic Free and Carbon Zero!
With continuous product improvement in mind, and in response to client feedback, the popular desk product is now more sustainable than ever.
TCi has sought to improve the environmental credentials of what was already a fully recyclable solution for temporary and semi-permanent offices, working closely with skilled engineers at locally-based manufacturer, Atlas Packaging Ltd.
Having discovered an excellent replacement for the previously used acrylic plastic work surface in a water-resistant cardboard material, it has become possible to achieve a 100% cardboard construction.
Following the removal of plastic elements, the resulting product represents just 5.5kg embodied carbon, which along with the CO2 emissions associated with delivery, is offset via a UK tree planting scheme and companies ordering 50 or more receive a tree dedication specific to them or their project.

TCi furniture WORKS has installed ECO360® desks on numerous sites over the past few years and they continue to inspire users and have a positive environmental impact by reducing waste to landfill and now have a significant impact on the CO2e of any office setup.
How has ECO360® achieved carbon zero in three easy steps?
- ECO360® now features a water-resistant cardboard work surface, replacing the previous acrylic top layer
- The ABS cable port has been replaced with a die-cut corrugated cover, removing the final plastic element of the product
- Using a UK tree planting scheme, we offset the CO2e of manufacture and direct delivery to site!

100% recyclable, ergonomic task chair, manufactured from 68% recycled materials

This exceptional range of breakout chairs has been granted the EU Ecolabel accreditation. EU Ecolabel looks at the sustainability of products throughout their entire product life cycle; from sustainably sourced materials to chemical use restri [...]