Once again, TCi has achieved Fleet Operator Recognition Scheme (FORS) bronze accreditation
As a small fleet operator, TCi takes vehicle safety, security and environmental compliance very seriously. This reflects the increasingly high standards required by the construction industry.
The latest FORS standard (version 5) has become yet more comprehensive and includes an emphasis on counter-terrorism as well as enhanced safety and environmental aspects.
Every employee likely to drive a company vehicle undergoes FORS training and regular updates, with modules covering: awareness of other road users; planning routes and loading strategy; reducing emissions and much more.

Although it is predominantly a requirement on sites in Central London, TCi has found the scheme applicable to town and city driving, bringing confidence to drivers wherever they are in the country.
In addition to staff training, a vehicle check app is used to provide a daily inspection usage report, along with specific signage to meet the requirements of the standard.
With the data provided by vehicle monitoring and tracking, TCi is able to set targets to improve environmental and safety commitments and looks forward to continuing to uphold the FORS standard.